I'm home
I got home at about 3pm Friday. I've just been too wiped to wrap my head around posting. Sorry for the delay.
Dr. Sudan and his team were able to do the whole thing laparoscopically (thank God), so I have 5 little incisions instead of a big one. They have staples on them that will probably be coming out during my visit tomorrow.
I'm on liquids only for the next few weeks, and am supposed to somehow manage to get 60 grams of protein and 64 oz of fluids (half of which should be plain water) throughout the day. It's just not possible. I'm still trying, though. My brain power is not all it could be due to lack of protein, I'm sure.
While I was in the hospital, I developed 2 new problems. My left thigh is alternately annoyingly numb and upsettingly on fire. I apparently compressed a nerve from my positioning either during surgery or after, or both. Also, I screwed up a ligament (or tendon, I can't remember) in my right rotator cuff from pulling myself up to get out of bed, bearing all my weight on my arms instead of my achy abdomen. Now that injury is exacerbated by the weight of my arm if it goes unsupported. I have physical therapy exercises that I'm doing, and I try to keep my arm supported on a pillow or over my head whenever possible.
This morning, one of my cats gingerly walked on me to be petted. It was gentle and didn't hurt, so I allowed it. Then she was startled by my husband's movement, and jumped off me like a springboard. It was very unpleasant.
My mom's in town for the next few days. We're headed out to visit with my mother in law. This should be interesting.