Monday, November 07, 2011

Year in review: my 37th on the planet

So, my birthday's coming up in a few weeks. Birthdays are really important to me. I'm one of the only adults I know who still spazzes out over the importance of birthdays. I make a big deal out of other people's birthdays, because I want people to make a big deal out of mine. It's My Day. I want presents, and cake, and booze, and celebration... and most of all, I want to be treated like a princess.

And after the year I've had, I think I've freakin' earned it, ya know? Let's take a look.

I started my 37th year in the midst of a cancer scare. After 20 years of remission from Hodgkin's Disease, I had mysterious spots on my liver that showed up on two different types of scans. It wasn't until after three months of tests and waiting and fretting had passed and I was prepped for my biopsy and the surgeon wanted to do another scan, that he looked at both scans and discovered they were in different places. We were, literally, jumping at shadows.

Then my love-of-my-life relationship with Thomas crumbled into pieces.

Then I totally blew my progress on my New Year's resolution to read 100 books. I totally had it in the bag until then. F'realz.

Then I strained a ligament in my knee.

Then my car died. (RIP, Strongbad. I miss you!)

Then I ended up back in debt after climbing out of it this year.

All right, so granted, there's a silver lining for each of the above. I mean...

I didn't have cancer.

After breaking up with Thomas I became far more social and made a metric shit ton of new friends.

I haven't had time to read because I got into Rockabilly and Swing Dancing, and also found an awesome group of people that I hang with every Wednesday night solely for the purpose of drinking and wearing costumes.

My knee healed hella fast.

My car... well no, that still just kinda sucks. I mean, I have a new used car now, but I am not feeling the love for it yet.

The debt... well, I guess I did get out of debt this year just in time to field the car crisis, right?

So, I guess I'd rate this year 3 out of 5 stars.



Wait a second. Due to the predominance of first world problems in my list, I think I'll have to up it to 4 out of 5.

posted by Blogger Jess @ 11/07/2011 11:59 PM

Another high note, that should bump your rating by at least a 1/4 met me! Alas, I moved away, thus negating the effect...well bugger.

posted by Blogger Bealzabub @ 11/08/2011 12:22 AM

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