Monday, June 27, 2005


Well, I made my first big goof at work. *sigh*

They do several different versions of each catalog, and drop them at different regions. For each version, they change the prefixes for the items, so that when an order is placed, they can track the region and build their statistics. So, each version has to be proofed, but in a less intensive way. The proofer is supposed to look at the prefixes, make sure nothing has moved around on the page, make sure the images are all the same, and check all the copyright marks to make sure they didn't revert to ASCII.

Because I sit right next to the person who builds the packages for proofing, and because I have only been trained on a limited range of books (yeah, some of the rules change from one book to the other, though they all pretty much sell the same thing), I was the one who looked at most of the versions. Well, I missed a very important thing. Apparently there was an error of some kind that caused some text to move over a bit, which caused the price to be pushed to the next line, which moved it under the next image down. So, for one item in that run of catalogs, the price is essentially missing.

They printed tens of thousands of these before the problem was noticed.

So my record has been blemished. My supervisor tells me that worse mistakes have been made, and that they're still going to use the catalogs, and that I'm not in trouble. However, I still feel horrible, and I'm not as confident that I will be able to get a permanent position here now. Tracey tells me that I shouldn't worry about it, but I'm a worrier. Not worrying about stuff like that would be like not blowing my nose when it's runny.


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