Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Craftiness, snottiness, and cuteness.

Remember how I said that I love craft stores? Well, I think I'm in trouble. I've just been trained on a new book. It's almost solely arts and crafts supplies.

I'm feeling so sick. We went over to the in-laws' place and they were sick. Now I am sick. My head is stuffed with fiberfill. My tonsils are larger than my feet. I want to die, but that seems like too much work.

Willow has discovered the joy of bellyrubs. Now that she has made this discovery, she wants them all the time. The other day, she used her soporifirays to make me fall back to sleep after I had turned off the alarm. I was consequently late for work. My husband had a little chat with her that night and explained the importance of not making mommy late for work. Since then, she has not cuddled in bed with me in the morning. This denial of cuteness was also unacceptable, so my husband had another talk with her and explained that she can cuddle with me as long as the alarm is still on snooze. She doesn't seem to understand the distinction, however. Stupid cat.


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