Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Hint hint hint

My birthday is coming up on Sunday. I'm going to be 31.

You know, 30 wasn't so bad, but thirty-ONE feels so much older. 30 was just the cap of a decade, but 31 launches into a whole new decade. *sigh*

For those who wish to make this time more bearable for me:

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Catching up

Weight Loss: Still losing weight - quickly for most people, but slowly for a person who's had weight loss surgery. Still, I'm well on my way to my goal and do not doubt that I'll reach it. I really wish that the side effects would simmer down. I have digestive issues all the time, and it's very unpleasant.

Work: I am done with temping. I am in week 3 of training at my new job, as a protection services agent at PayPal. I love it. The company was rated in the top 5 of places to work in Omaha, and they certainly deserve it. The benefits are stellar, the facility is cool, and the work is interesting. I've made friends with a bunch of the people in my training class, who will be in my department. I'm very excited about this job.

Marriage: Michael and I recently celebrated our first anniversary. We're still happily in love. Our arguments are fewer, farther between, and less dramatic. We've settled into a comfortable routine, but it doesn't feel like a rut.

Cats: Eris is still mad about the addition of Xander to the family. Willow is still neutral, but we've caught her cuddling with Xander a few times. Xander continues to be cute as all get out. All three of them are ecstatic about the beginning of fireplace season. Willow told me that fires are an awesome idea and that if she had thumbs, she'd start them herself.

Other domestic stuff: My sister is considering moving to Omaha to look for work in her field. She would be living with me and Michael at least in the beginning, to reduce costs to pay off her student loan. My husband and I are very hopeful that she will decide to move in with us because she's awesome and fun and we love her.

World of Warcraft: Moxxi has reached level 60! I will be getting attuned for Molten Core shortly. Paladins kick ass.