Stuff I hate...
Stuff I hate at this moment:
regression to nail biting
being at work
split ends
the word "guesstimate"
people who use the word "guesstimate"
No music, no faeries, no browser-hijacking javascript crap.
Stuff I hate at this moment:
I used to try diet methods, succeed briefly, then fail and gain back more weight than I lost. This is fairly common among overweight people. Every time this happened, I would be worse off than before. After a while, I stopped because I was sick of making the situation worse. I decided that, if I ever hit a certain point, I would have to do something drastic. The somewhat arbitrary point that I chose was if my size ever exceeded the range offerred at Lane Bryant. I considered the necessity of special-ordering clothing to be an indication that my weight-gain was seriously out of hand.